Beanbags are the most common type of juggling ball. Juggling beanbags are typically constructed with an outer shell made from several pieces of vinyl or imitation leather, and filled with millet, plastic beans or other material designed to give the beanbag bulk. Beanbags come in a variety of colors, the most common being "beach" (a combination of Red, Yellow, Blue and Green on each piece of the outer shell), white, black, and other colors that are easily visible. Beanbags are preferred by many jugglers because of their lack of bounce and roll when dropped, the ease with which they are caught, and their reasonable price and availability. Beanbags are generally found in sizes ranging from 2"-3" in diameter, though smaller beanbags with less filling in them are sometimes used by numbers jugglers, who require a smaller and lighter ball to facilitate throwing and catching many balls in the same hand.